Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Auditions for Annie Jr. to take place Monday, 1/7 and Wednesday, 1/9

We are pleased to announce that this year's production will be Annie, Jr.!

Auditions for all roles will take place on Monday, January 7th and Wednesday, January 9th.

A Music Rehearsal for the singing portion of the Audition will be held after school on Thursday, January 3rd from 2:45 to 3:25.  Attendance is not required but definitely encouraged.

Please see Miss Miladinovich if you have not already requested an audition appointment.

Audition appointments will be posted outside the Main Office on Thursday, January 3rd.

If you need to change your appointment for any reason, please see Miss Miladinovich ASAP.

All students MUST audition for the show, even if you only are requesting an Ensemble role.

All students MUST bring their SIGNED audition paperwork to their audition.  Paperwork MUST be SIGNED by BOTH the STUDENT and a PARENT.

Auditions are 5 minutes and consist of a script reading and song singing portion.  Materials can be found attached.

We look forward to seeing you at Auditions!

Script and Music

 Script Reading A:

OFFICER WARD:  Hey, you!  Little girl. Come here.

ANNIE:  Yes, Officer?

OFFICER WARD:   That dog there. Ain’t he a stray?

ANNIE:  A stray? Oh, no, Officer.  He’s my dog.

OFFICER WARD:   Your dog, huh? So, what’s his name?

ANNIE:  His name? His name is…Sandy.  Right, that’s it. I call him Sandy because of his nice sandy color.

OFFICER WARD:  Okay, let’s see him answer to his name.

ANNIE:  Well, you see, Officer…I just got him and sometimes…

OFFICER WARD:  Call him!

ANNIE:  Here, Sandy.  Here, boy.  Sandy. (SANDY crosses to Annie) Good Sandy. Good old Sandy.

OFFICER WARD:  Next time you take him out, I wanna see him on a leash and with a license, or else he goes to the pound.

ANNIE:  Yes, sir. I understand.

OFFICER WARD:  Now get along with you before you catch your death of cold in this weather.

ANNIE:  Oh, I don’t mind the weather.

Script Reading B:

WARBUCKS:  Where is everybody?

GRACE:  Welcome home, Mr. Warbucks.

WARBUCKS:  It’s good to be home.

DRAKE:  How was your flight from Chicago?

WARBUCKS:  Not bad…only took eleven hours. Grace?

GRACE:  Yes, Sir?

WARBUCKS: Messages?

GRACE:  President Roosevelt wants you to call him at the White House.

WARBUCKS:  I’ll get back to him tomorrow.

GRACE:  Mr. Warbucks…

WARBUCKS:  All right, good to see you all again.


WARBUCKS:  Drake, dismiss the staff.

DRAKE:  Yes, sir.

WARBUCKS:  And, Grace if you’ll get your notebook…Who is that?

GRACE:  This is Annie, Mr. Warbucks: the orphan who will be with us for Christmas.

WARBUCKS:  That’s not a boy. Orphans are boys.

GRACE:  I’m sorry, sir, you just said “orphan,” so, I chose a girl.

WARBUCKS:  Well, I suppose she’ll have to do.

 Audition Info.
Contract and
Signature Forms

Announcing Auditions for
The Halsted Players
Spring Musical
March 28th, 29th & 30th
Audition Dates: Monday and Wednesday  1/7 & 1/9
Audition Place: The Halsted Middle School Auditorium
Audition Times:  Audition time slots will assigned in advance for
5 minute increments between 3 pm and 7 pm on Mon 1/7 and Wed 1/9

How it works: You will need to sign up to be put on the list for an Audition so that a time slot can be assigned to you.  Signup sheets will be available at the end of today’s meeting. Please  indicate if there is a day or time that you would not be available to audition.  Auditions take only about 5 minutes.  We do our very best to stay on schedule so that we are not wasting your time.

Please Note:  You may not be in the school building after dismissal unless you are supervised.  If you are not enrolled in C2C or an after school program on the day of your audition, you should not report to the school until your assigned time and then you should be prepared to leave the school immediately following your audition unless you are attending C2C or another supervised program in the building afterward.  Thank you!  J 

On Thursday, January 3rd, we will publish the list of assigned time slots for auditions the following week.  If you did not sign up at the meeting you will not be on the list for an audition slot unless you make arrangements to be added by speaking with Miss Miladinovich. If  you are applying for stage crew only, you do not need to attend auditions but you will need to submit all signed stage crew paperwork to Mrs. Keppler by January 4th in order to be considered for a position.  Please note that there are Limited Stage Crew Positions  available this year. 

***Assigned audition time slots will be posted outside the Main Office on Thursday, January 3rd. Please let us know right away if you cannot make your assigned audition time so that we can try to schedule you for a different time slot.

Preparing for Your Audition:
1)     Script and music selections for the audition will be available for pick up in the Auditorium on Thursday 12/20.  The more familiar you are with the material, the more confident you will be in your audition!  EVERYONE must audition in order to be cast in the play, even if you only want to be in the Ensemble.

2)     Optional Music Rehearsal:  Miss Miladinovich will have a meeting after school on Thursday 1/3  from 2:45 – 3:25 to go over the audition music and practice it with any interested students. We strongly recommend attending this practice session if you are planning to audition for a lead role as these roles require the actor to sing.

What Happens at Auditions?
1)     You MUST bring your Student Information Form and your SIGNED Contract Signature page to your audition.  The Contract Signature page needs to be signed by both student and Parent/Guardian.  

2)     At the audition, each student will be called into the auditorium individually and will be asked to introduce themselves, read a scene, and sing one of the musical selections. Your introduction is simply your name, your grade, and whether there is a specific part you wish to be considered for.  Please note that all roles in the show require singing.  If you do not want to sing a solo in the show, just let us know and we will arrange to put you in the Ensemble.  Remember to show expression, project your voice and to have stage presence! J

**  IMPORTANT:  While you are waiting for your audition you will be in the hallway with staff supervision. If the staff members feel that you are not being cooperative, you will be asked to leave and give up your opportunity to audition. Friends and family members are not permitted to attend auditions or wait in the hallway area. 

Call Back Audition Information:
Call Back Auditions (if needed) for lead roles will be Thursday, 1/10 from 2:45 – 5:00 pm. The Call Back list will be printed and posted outside the Main Office on the morning of Thursday 1/10.  **Please remember that if you are not called back, it does not necessarily mean that you haven’t been selected for a lead role!

Please KEEP at Home for Reference

1)     Attendance Expectations:  The Halsted Players Drama Club takes pride in putting on a quality theater production that it is both educational and enjoyable.  In order for the show to be a success, all members of the cast and stage crew must commit to putting in the time and effort necessary to rehearse the show.  We recognize that our students are involved in many extra-curricular activities and we try whenever possible to schedule rehearsals at a time that does not conflict with the activities that they informed us they are currently involved in before auditions. Of course with 60+ students it is not always possible to accommodate every child’s schedule, so absences due to these prior disclosed obligations are considered excused.  We understand that students will want to sign up for additional activities after committing to the show and we only ask that the students be responsible and prioritize their commitment to the play above the other activities and obligations that they take on after being cast in the show (ie: Spring Sports and Clubs) out of respect to everyone else in the cast.  Emergency situations:  If a student has an emergency conflict arise the day of a scheduled rehearsal, it is the student’s responsibility to let one of the directors know or leave word in the main office so that it can be excused. (* If a student is absent from school due to sickness, the absence is automatically excused and there is no need to contact us.) ** No more than 3 unexcused absences will be permitted.  Upon the 3rd unexcused absence, the student’s role will be reassigned to another actor.  Excessive absences, even if excused, may result in reassignment of a student’s role if they demonstrate a lack of interest and commitment to the show.  Parents: Please take note of all the mandatory rehearsal dates listed below.  If your child cannot commit to these mandatory dates, they will not be permitted to audition.


**  It goes without saying that is MANDATORY that every cast and
stage crew member  MUST be present for ALL Performances:
Thurs 3/28 (4-9pm) Fri 3/29 (4-9pm) and Sat 3/30 (11am-4pm)

HOWEVER it is also MANDATORY that every cast and stage crew
member MUST be present for ALL Dress/Tech Rehearsals
Mon.  3/25, Tues 3/26 and Wed 3/27  from 4pm to 9 pm

AS WELL AS our 3 MANDATORY Saturday Rehearsals: 
Sat. 3/2, Sat. 3/9 and Sat. 3/23

Additional Information:

2)    Students cannot remain in the building unsupervised after dismissal:  Please note that some of our play rehearsals will take place after school at 3:15.  Students who are not enrolled in C2C cannot stay in the building unsupervised after dismissal waiting for rehearsal to begin, so they have the option to 1) Leave the school building and return at 3:15,  or 2) Enroll in C2C and attend C2C from 2:35 until rehearsals begin at 3:15.

3)    Evening Rehearsals:  Some of our rehearsals will take place in the evenings from 6 to 9 pm.  Student should be picked up promptly and should have transportation home.  For safety reasons we cannot allow a student to walk home alone after dark.

4)    Behavioral/Academic Expectations:  All cast and crew members are expected to adhere to the same behavior standards that are in place during the school day.  Behavioral misconduct may result in your expulsion from the show.  Maintaining acceptable grades are a must!  If a student is in danger of failing any subject, they will be removed from the show so that they can better concentrate on their studies.

5)    Rehearsal Schedule:  It is the student’s responsibility to know when they have rehearsal.  Rehearsals will be posted on the Halsted Players Website each Sunday night and also posted on the bulletin board outside the main office each Monday morning.  The on-line schedule can be accessed through the school website, www.newtonnj.org : From the home page click Halsted Middle School, then click “Clubs and Groups”, then click “Halsted Players” and finally click “Cast Information”.

Once both parent and student have read this contract and agree to the terms stated within, please sign the
Contract Signature page where indicated. 
A signed contract is required before a student will be permitted to audition or to be considered for stage crew.

Contract Signature Page

You MUST sign and bring this form with you to your Audition:

By signing this form, both student and parent/guardian acknowledge that they have read and agree to adhere to the mandatory attendance and behavioral expectations outlined in the Audition Contract.
** Also, by signing this form, the parent/guardian grants permission for their Child’s first name and last initial to be posted on the Halsted Players website for Cast information and Rehearsal Schedules.

____ Please check this box if you grant permission for your child’s name and photo to be published in the newspaper or on-line in conjunction with the play.

By signing below, I acknowledge that I am aware that my child cannot remain in the school building unsupervised after dismissal on days that play rehearsal does not begin until 3:15.  I attest that:

         ____  My student is enrolled in C2C
         ____  My student will be C2C
         ____  My student will leave the school building and return at 3:15.

I also understand that my student needs to be picked up promptly when rehearsals end.  In the case of evening rehearsals, students will not be able to walk home alone after dark.

Print Parent’s Name:  ___________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature:______________________________________________________
Print Student’s Name:  ___________________________________________________ Student’s Signature:_____________________________________________________

Student Information & Audition Form:
(You must bring this and your signed signature page with you
in order to be permitted to Audition)

Student Name:  _____________________________             Grade:  ________
*** I am applying for a Stage Crew Position only:   _____ Yes        ____ No

Contact Information:
Home Phone:  ________________________________ 
Parent Cell Phone: ________________________________
Student Cell Phone:  _______________________________
Student’s Halsted email address: ______________________________________
Parent’s email address:  _____________________________________________

Audition Information (Stage Crew applicants do not need to fill this out):

Is there a specific part(s) you wish to be considered for?     Yes____      No_____
If so, which part(s) _________________________________________________
Are you auditioning for the Ensemble only? (No solo speaking/singing)  Yes____    No____
        Are you in Chorus?   Yes____   No____     Are you in Chorale?   Yes____    No____

Please list ALL extra-curricular activities you will be involved in during play season as well as the days and times of the activities so that we can try to schedule around these activities whenever possible. For Example:  Scouts, Sports, Dance, CCD.  Absences for other activities can only be considered excused if you disclose them to us ahead of time with specific dates and times.  Thank you for understanding.
