Sunday, March 18, 2018

Weekly Schedule plus this Saturday's MANDATORY Rehearsal details

This Saturday, March 24th from 9-1 is the first of our MANDATORY Saturday Rehearsals. Please note that as it was stated in the audition contract, there are no abences allowed on Saturdays.  Failure to report to rehearsal on Saturday will result in the forfeit of your role in the show.  Please be prepared and on-time and be sure to eat breakfast before you arrive as there should be no eating in the auditorium.  We will take a 15 min break about half way through our rehearsal to have a snack and use the restrooms.  Snacks should be PEANUT FREE and will be eaten in the cafeteria. Students MAY NOT leave the building at any time during the Saturday rehearsal. The same rules about leaving the auditiorium to go to other areas of the building that we have during weekdays rehearsals apply on Saturday.

Also, if you are not walking home, please be sure that your transportation is on time to pick you up.  We try whenever possible to keep you no more than 5 minutes late if we have to keep you late at all.  We can understand rides being 5 minutes late, but since we cannot allow you to stay inside the school unsupervised and it is not safe for you to be outside alone waiting for your ride (especially at night!) the directors need to stay with you and wait until your ride arrives.  Please be respectful of our time and that of the custodians who need to stay after we leave to finish cleaning the auditorium. Thank you!

We are in the midst of collecting and making costumes for the show.  We generally provide most of the costume pieces for the show unless the student has made other arrangements with us.  Sometimes we will ask students to provide pieces they may have in their own wardrobes and/or to use their own shoes.  We will give the students plenty of notice if there is something they are responsible for providing.

Dear Parents:  We are in need of parents to help with the following things.  Please send a quick e-mail to Mrs. Penny at if you are able to volunteer to help in any of these areas.  As always -- your help is so very much appreciated!

1) Ticket Sales after school the week before the show and the hour before each performance.  Needed:  ** Ideally one parent to head up ticket sales and several volunteers to help with sales.

2) Cast Snacks and waters:  During the week of dress rehearsals and performances the cast begins arriving at the school at 4pm for hair and makeup.  Since that means they are eating a very early dinner, we try to provide healthy, school approved non-allergen (and non-messy, lol) snacks and plenty of bottled water for them to have while they are waiting for hair and makeup to be done.  Needed: ** Ideally one or two parents to head this up and solicit/collect donations from families of the cast.

3) Cast Party Refreshments: Following our last performance on Saturday afternoon the cast helps put away the costumes and props and then has a cast party down in the cafeteria.  The drama club provides pizza and families of cast donate school approved non-allergen food and drinks for the party.  Needed: ** Ideally one or two parents to head this up and solicit/collect donations from families of the cast.

4)  Hair and Make-up Help:  The week of dress rehearsals and performances the kids will have their hair and makeup done for the show.  We solicit the help of parents, family friends and/or community members who have skills in this area to volunteer their time and talent for the kids.  If you are able to help or know anyone who would, it is most appreciated.  Supplies are provided by the school.  Needed: ** Ideally four adults for Hair and 4 adults for make-up.

Rehearsal Schedule for the Week of March 18th:
**Please note that stage crew members should only report to rehearsal if Mrs. Keppler asks you to come to a particular rehearsal.  If you arrive and are not scheduled to be there you will be sent home.  Thank you for understanding.

Monday, March 19th:
7:30 - 9:00    Hook, Smee, Pan, Tink, Wendy

Tuesday, March 20th:
2:40 - 4:45    Full Cast for Music

Wednesday, March 21st:
7:00 - 8:00    Fairies
8:00 - 9:00    Lost Boys, Darling Children

Thursday, March 22nd:
2:40 - 3:15   Pirates
3:15 - 4:00   Fairies (no Tink)
7:00 - 9:00   Lost Boys, Indians, John, Michael and Pan

Saturday, March 24th:
9:00am - 1:00pm   FULL CAST and CREW