Saturday, March 18, 2017

Rehearsal for Saturday 3/18 is still on as scheduled from 9-1

It would appear that Mother Nature is on our side for the Saturday rehearsal and the snowfall is expected to be less than originally forecasted so we are going ahead with rehearsal as planned from 9am to 1pm (dont' forget to bring a peanut-free snack and drink to having during our break).  Also, please keep in mind that if the Sussex County St. Patrick's Day Parade takes place today on Spring Street at 11am as planned, some streets may still be closed when we end rehearsal at 1pm.  The students will be instructed to wait inside the building where it is safe (and warmer) until their ride arrives.  A staff member will wait with the students until everyone is picked up - we don't want you to stress if you are delayed by traffic.  Please drive safely everyone!  If you need to contact the Directors you can reach Mrs. Penny by email at or for more urgent matters, by phone at 973-903-2930.