Monday, April 18, 2016

Advanced Tickets Sales and Items Needed

Advanced ticket sales
Advanced ticket sales will take place this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, April 20, 21 & 22 from 2:30 - 3:15 in the Halsted Lobby. 

Tickets are $5 each and you can choose where you want your seats to be.  You may want to ask your child where he or she sits so that you can try to get seats where you will be able to see them best. 

Don't forget that if you sell ads for the program you are eligible to get free tickets to the show.  1/4 page ad = 1 free ticket, 1/2 page ad = 2 free tickets, Full page ad - 4 free tickets.

We are in need of the following item for the show:  
 1) A briefcase of any type.  The character is female so something feminine would work but really any briefcase will do and will be much appreciated!
2) Several cases of mini water bottles for the kids to drink during intermission each night.  The stage gets very hot and stuffy under the bright lights and the nice warm weather we are having will make it even hotter.  We like to make sure that the kids stay hydrated!  If you are able to donate a case of water you can send it in with your child to any rehearsal and we will store it for the show. Thank you!

Cast Pizza Party:
We are getting details together for our cast pizza party.  A list of allergen free food items we will need will be posted soon and, again, if you are able to donate something, it would be so appreciated!