Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Rehearsals for the Week of February 15th

Last week's rehearsal schedule was short but productive!  In addition, the geese and frogs have been working on their choreography and it is looking great!  Unfortunately, there were several frogs missing from Friday's rehearsal, which prevented us from completing our choreography that night. We will be finalizing the choreography on Wednesday.  If you missed Friday's rehearsal and do not show up for Wednesday's rehearsal (without letting us know that you have a conflict), we may have no choice but to remove you from the frog number.  It isn't fair to the rest of the group to have their choreography changed over and over to accommodate students who don't bother to show up for rehearsal. We are just one month from our opening night and we need to buckle down and use our rehearsal time wisely.  Thank you for understanding.

Also, remember to bring in your paperwork for Project Launch so that you can go to the Cafeteria for snack on the days that you have rehearsal directly after school. Boosters can also be turned in as you sell them.

Please see the list below for the day and time you are scheduled to work with Mrs. Marmara on your Biography Blurb for the program.  Please meet with her in the Library at your scheduled time and bring what you have written for her to look at.  You do not have to stay the whole time if you finish before 3:45!  If you are unable to meet with her for some reason, please let her know.

Rehearsals for the Week of February 15th:

Wednesday, February 18th  -- (LAST DAY FOR SCRIPTS) ---
2:40 - 3:15  Featured Singers, Featured Dancers, Ugly, Cat and Ida
3:15 - 4:15  ALL FROGS, Ugly, Cat
4:15 - 5:00  ALL GEESE, Ugly, Cat

Thursday, February 19th  --- (OFF SCRIPT) ---
2:40 - 3:30   Mother Swan, Father Swan, Ugly, Ida, Cat, Penny
3:30 - 4:00   Featured Dancers, Cat and Ugly
4:00 - 5:00   ALL FROGS

Friday, February 20th --- (OFF SCRIPT) ---
2:40 - 3:45   Bio blurbs with Mrs. Marmara
(Kate, Elissar, Gemma, Madison, Erin, Tyler, Kelly P, Brett, Kyler, Anthony, Katrina, Kelly E, Trent, Melanie, Abigail, Greg, Josh)

5:00 - 6:00   Ugly, Drake, Ida, Maureen, Henrietta, Grace, Penny, ALL Ducklings, Turkey, Jay Bird