Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Cast List for Honk! Jr.

Thank you all for coming out and sharing your talent with us!  Altogether we had 63 students come and audition for the show and we are excited to begin working with each and every one of you!
Tentatively, our first full cast meeting will be on Wednesday, January 7th after school to do a read through of the show and to give everyone an opportunity to hear the music as well.  This meeting will not be mandatory, but is recommended for those with a named role so that they can become familiar with their part and receive a copy of the script. 
Additionally there will be rehearsals on Thursday 1/8 and 1/9 for small groups (to be determined).  These rehearsals will be posted here on the blog once we return to school on 1/5.  Stage Crew members will also be selected once we return to school.

Wishing you all a relaxing and happy Holiday break!

Now without further ado - here is the Cast List for Honk! Jr. :

Ugly:  Danny Kelly
Ida:  Ivy Nisler
Drake:  Alex McCully
Cat:  Jessica Vasquez
Greylag:  Greg Nappa
Dot:  Bridget Guziewicz
Bullfrog:  Gemma Meade
Jay Bird:  Trent Harden
Maureen:  Eva Paternoster
Henrietta:  Alexis Fadgen-Betz
Grace:  Kendall Goldschmidt
Turkey:  Kya Sawa
Penny:  Kate Publik
Mother Swan:  Erin Fucito
Father Swan:  Imad Balatero
Featured Dancers:  Erin Fucito, Christina Spinello, Ilira-Marsena Mecaj
Featured Singers:  Sarah Sy, Natalie Squires, Morgyn Witt, Ellisar Abou-Jaoude
Beaky (Duckling):   Miranda Paternoster
Fluff (Duckling):   Madison Chymiy
Downy (Duckling):   Ryan Penny
Billy (Duckling):  Brett Bergey
Barnacles (Goose):  Josh Tierney
Snowy (Goose):   Kyler Kane

Ellisar Abou-Jaoude
Morgyn Witt
Christina Spinello
Ilira-Marsena Mecaj
Naya Pererira
Katelyn McDade
Anjalii Fernandes
Ambi-Noelle Adjobi
Danielle Ham
Kiara Sosa
Melanie Schouppe
Paige Schmidt
Morgan Medunick
Amy Fehr
Katrina Pascale
Helena Sargeant
Natalie Tognetti
Cecilia Paparella
Natalie Cunningham
Dezarae Harding
Meg Bashara
Isabelle Osborne
Abigail Gormley
Kelly Ellsworth
Jenna Martinez
Kelly Perez
Ella Molkenthin
Cassie Carovillano
Kayla Kawaihae

Military Geese:
Tyler Hermes
Julian Sibblies
Nate Paternoster
Xavier Izquierdo
Matthew Guziewicz
Anthony Martinez
Christopher Martinez
Ryan Sosa
Cameron Robbins
Anthony Bussorelli

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Call Back List

At auditions last week we had 2 days jam packed full of talented actors and actresses. A big thank you to everyone who came out to audition - you were marvelous and as we said before, everyone will receive a part in the show no matter what.

Some characters have already been cast so we do not need every student a second time.  There are some students however that we would like to see again for singing and some different script readings so that we can better make some decisions on the remaining parts.

Call Backs will be held Monday after school until 5 pm.  If you are unable to attend for any reason (and have not already informed us) PLEASE let Mrs. Hartzell or Mrs. Keppler know ASAP during the school day on Monday!

The following students are asked to attend Call Backs:

(List is in alphabetical order)

Imad Balatero
Alexis Fadgen-Betz
Erin Fucito
Kendall Goldschmidt
Bridget Guziewicz
Danny Kelly
Chelsea Leonardo
Alex McCully
Gemma Meade
Greg Nappa
Ivy Nisler
Eva Paternoster
Miranda Paternoster
Kate Publik

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Auditions for Honk!

We are very excited for auditions to begin today!  Callbacks will be posted here on Sunday 12/21.  Just a reminder that all students will be cast in the show regardless of whether they are called back to read for a part. The callback list will also be printed out and posted outside Mrs. Hartzell's room.